Posted in Humanoid Robot

CB2 Robot: Smart Humanoid Robot

CB2 Robot is a smart humanoid robot that measures about 4 feet, 3 inches tall and weighs 73 pounds, which size-wise would put it in…

Posted in Humanoid Robot

Telenoid Robot: Smart Humanoid Robot

Telenoid Robot is a smart humanoid robot that is a robotic communications device. You connect to the robot over the Net, and it will transmit…

Posted in Entertainment Robot

Keepon Robot: Smart Entertainment Robot

Keepon Robot is a smart entertainment robot that used to study the underlying mechanisms of social communication. Its simple appearance and behavior are intended to…

Posted in Four Wheeled

Wakamaru Robot: Smart Four-Wheeled Robot

Wakamaru Robot is a smart artist robot that is a friendly helper robot that can carry on conversations with people, recognize faces, and shake hands. It’s…